LinkedIn Connection Requests: Are You a Gatekeeper?

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Are you a gatekeeper on LinkedIn? Gone are the days of only connecting on social media with people you know in real life. The world is your oyster! Grow your network (when you’re looking and when you aren’t looking for a new job). Here’s why our Senior Talent Partner, Amanda Hill, doesn’t think you should gatekeep LinkedIn Connection requests! The more LinkedIn connections you have, the more exposure you have, the more access you have, and the more opportunity you have to network (which is the goal for this platform). With a larger network comes more opportunity to get your LinkedIn profile and posts seen and amplified. Connection requests and posts might not result in a job or a sale today, but small iterations ADD UP! What does it hurt to get connection requests? Some are fearful of having their contact information scrapped and sold, while others worry too many weak connections will hurt their overall LinkedIn post engagement. While these concerns are valid, a large LinkedIn network should have a more positive impact on your overall reach. With a growing network, you can focus on building true connections, a strong community, a business platform, a brand, and other great aspects of a truly engaged network.

Remember, you can always decline the connection requests that don’t come with messages, don’t feel genuine, or don’t feel like a good addition to your network (if you know, you know).