Refactor Talent specializes in connecting companies with the best and brightest in the IT field, and we know what it takes to appeal to Gen Z candidates.

Leveraging an IT Staffing Firm to Attract and Retain Gen Z

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Did you know, by 2025, Gen Z is expected to make up 27% of the workforce in OECD countries? Both IT companies and staffing firms must understand what drives this generation. At Refactor Talent, we specialize in connecting companies with the best and brightest in the IT field, and we know what it takes to appeal to Gen Z candidates. 

What to Know About the Gen Z Workforce 

  • Career Vision Over Conformity: Gen Z is characterized by their unwillingness to compromise their career vision to fit into outdated work models. According to LinkedIn senior recruiter Madison Vitug, they prioritize roles that align with their professional aspirations and values. 
  • Growth and Development Opportunities: A LinkedIn survey found that 40% of Gen Z candidates would switch jobs and accept a 2% to 5% pay cut for a stronger chance to grow in the role. This generation values job security and financial stability, making it essential for employers to clearly demonstrate growth and development pathways within their organizations. 
  • Flexibility is Key: Flexible work options are a significant draw for Gen Z. Whether it’s remote work, a four-day workweek, or flexible hours, accommodating these preferences can make a company more attractive. In fact, 32% of Gen Z workers are willing to take a 2% to 5% pay cut for a hybrid work schedule, and 38% would do so for better work-life balance. 
  • Skills Over Experience: While Gen Z may not have as much work experience as older generations, they have a strong desire to learn new skills. Employers should consider their potential and eagerness to learn when making hiring decisions. Skills-based hiring can increase candidate pools for Gen Z workers by more than 10 times, and companies that focus on skills are 60% more likely to make successful hires. 
  • Values Alignment: Gen Z places a high value on working for companies whose policies and practices align with their personal beliefs. A staggering 80% would leave their roles to seek better alignment with their values, and 74% say it’s important to work at a company that shares their beliefs. 

Leveraging an IT Staffing Firm 

  • Tailored Recruitment Strategies: We design customized recruitment campaigns that highlight growth opportunities, flexibility, and values alignment, ensuring your job postings resonate with Gen Z talent. 
  • Skills-Based Hiring: Our knowledge of skills in addition to experience expands your candidate pool and increases the likelihood of successful hires. 
  • Employer Branding: We assist in strengthening your employer brand to reflect a culture of growth, flexibility, and alignment with the values important to Gen Z. 

Do you currently have a culture fit for incoming Gen Z professionals? Do you need help selling your company and open positions to fresh tech talent? At Refactor Talent, we understand the unique needs and preferences of Gen Z candidates. Our expertise in IT staffing means we can help your company craft compelling job offers and cultivate a workplace culture that appeals to this emerging generation. Leverage our expertise to connect with Gen Z candidates and build a workforce that is motivated, skilled, and aligned with your company’s values.