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Proven Time Management Strategies for a Productive Workday

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Some days that to-do list feels never ending. Every ping in the inbox comes with a new task and it feels simply unmanageable. 

In moments like this, having a time management strategy is a life raft. Facing a chaotic day with a plan of action can prevent you from feeling overwhelmed at work and help staunch burnout. It turns those monumental projects into manageable tasks. 

Time management strategies are not one size fits all. Your technique should fit your workload and your specific needs. We’re sharing some common options and their benefits to help you decide which one matches your work day. 


Pomodoro is the classic time management strategy. Tracing back to the 1980’s with Francesco Cirillo’s kitchen timer, this technique has been a staple for decades. .

The basic premise is this: 

  • Create a list of tasks you need to complete
  • Set a timer for 25 minutes with a singular task focus
  • After 25 minutes, take a 5 minute break to refresh
  • After four Pomodoro sessions, take an extended break (15-30 minutes)
  • Continue this pattern as needed

This technique encourages total focus by giving you limited time to concentrate on a single task. 25 minutes is long enough that you’re able to be productive without feeling swamped by a never ending work flow. 

Though it may seem counterintuitive, taking these five minute breaks helps you stay productive for longer periods of time – rather than working for a few hours straight and being burnt out after. 

Pomofocus.io is an accessible webpage that you can use to implement the Pomodoro technique. 


Time-blocking is another highly effective time management strategy. At the start of each day, make a list of what all you have to do. Then, assign each task a specific time slot in your calendar. For example, dedicate 9:00 a.m. to 9:30 a.m. to responding to emails.  Instead of trying to manage several tasks through the day, you’re focusing on one task at a time and are able to knock it off your to do list after the time block is over.  

By starting your day with a concrete schedule, you’re able to stay on track and manage your time more efficiently. 

You can time block natively in any work calendar or you can use an app like Sunsama to coordinate your schedule. 

Eat That Frog

The frog is your most important, most dreaded task for the day. To start your day off with a sense of accomplishment, “eat the frog” first thing. This allows you to enter into a “deep work” focus state and guarantees that your top priority is covered. Then you can build off that momentum to work on other, less essential tasks. To effectively “eat that frog”, follow these three simple steps:

  1. Create a list of your priorities for the day.
  2. Identify the most important task
  3. Spend the first 2-4 hours of your day tackling it

If you are a chronic procrastinator, this is the technique for you. Instead of putting off that one task, you’re tackling it head on. By finishing it first thing, the rest of your day feels easy by comparison. 

The Eisenhower Matrix

The Eisenhower Matrix helps your organize your tasks across four categories. You categorize these tasks depending on whether they are urgent or non urgent as well as whether they are important or unimportant. 

Tasks that are urgent and important should be done as soon as possible. Tasks that are non urgent but important receive second priority. 

On the flipside, tasks that are unimportant but urgent should be delegated out. The tasks that are non urgent and unimportant should be entirely forgotten. 

By implementing a time management strategy that fits your work style, you can turn overwhelming days into productive ones. Whether you prefer the structured focus of Pomodoro, the organization of time-blocking, the momentum of eating the frog, or the prioritization of the Eisenhower Matrix, the key is finding a method that keeps you on track without adding stress.