Flexibility in IT Hiring: Which Requirements Should Managers Bend On

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You’ve been tasked with finding the perfect candidate to meet a list of technical requirements for your open role, yet even with the help of internal teams and staffing agencies, the checklist has not been met. Though a skilled and experienced workforce is crucial, sometimes rigid adherence to a checklist of tech requirements can hinder the hiring process and lead to opportunity cost. When the hire is essential and time is of the essence, the question may become, which requirements should we bend on? Consider the following items for flexibility in IT hiring!

Specific Programming Language Proficiency

One of the most common tech requirements in IT job descriptions is proficiency in a particular programming language. Don’t forget that a good developer can adapt and learn new languages relatively quickly. If needed, consider focusing on candidates with a strong foundation in programming concepts, problem-solving skills, and a willingness to learn new technologies as opposed to experience with a specific technology. A candidate may only have exposure to the technology you’re requiring but the aptitude to learn it, so being flexible here allows you to tap into a broader pool of talent, hire quickly, and sometimes even save on target salary.

Years of Experience

Relying solely on the years of experience metric can exclude exceptionally talented candidates. Some individuals may have gained extensive expertise through personal projects, open-source contributions, or non-traditional career paths. With flexibility here, you can still assess candidates based on their practical skills, problem-solving abilities, and achievements.

Academic Degrees

While academic degrees can be an indicator of a candidate’s commitment and ability to learn, many successful IT professionals have built their careers without a formal degree. Industry-recognized certifications, bootcamps, and relevant work experience can be just as valuable. If you’re able to remove degree requirements, you can diversify your candidate pool and discover passionate, self-taught individuals who bring fresh perspectives to your team.

Soft Skills and Cultural Fit

If you have a tendency to overlook candidates who may not perfectly match your company’s culture, consider the candidate’s potential for growth and alignment with your team’s values. Diversity of thought and background can lead to more innovative solutions and a stronger, well-rounded team.

Specific Tool or Framework Proficiency

The tech landscape is continually changing with new tools and frameworks emerging. It is extremely important for candidates to possess the ability to learn and adapt to new technologies quickly. Consider prioritizing this level of candidate demonstrating a strong foundation in relevant concepts and problem-solving skills rather than the specific list of tools you need. This approach ensures your team can pivot when necessary and stay ahead in a rapidly evolving field.

The world of IT hiring is competitive, so it’s crucial for hiring managers to strike a balance between technical requirements and flexibility. If push comes to shove and you need to flex on rigid technology requirements, trust your IT staffing professionals to vet a candidate for their foundational skills, adaptability, and potential for growth in addition to technical expertise. Your team just might end up with even more of the diversity and high-performing capabilities it needs to thrive in the ever-changing tech landscape.